The ceiling collapsed during a CS:GO streamer’s broadcast

A CS:GO match was interrupted due to the collapse of the ceiling in the content creator’s room during a Twitch stream by Dylastein.

No one was injured as the debris fell onto Dylastein’s bed, and the area where the computer was located remained untouched. According to the streamer, the accident occurred due to problems with the air conditioning system, which was malfunctioning, causing the drywall to loosen.

Earlier, streamer Stormfall33 was forced to restart her “Freelancer” playthrough in Hitman 3 due to her cat. The pet walked across the keyboard and accidentally pressed a sequence of buttons that leads to the main menu. In the “Freelancer” mode, this is equivalent to death or mission failure, resulting in the loss of all progress.

Comments (4)

  • capslock

    Wow, that must have been a scary moment for Dylastein! Thankfully, no one was hurt, and it’s great to hear that the computer was not damaged.

    April 23, 2023
  • the creator 69

    It’s always interesting to see how unexpected events can impact a streamer’s content, as was the case with Dylastein’s stream. It’s great to hear that everyone is safe, and it’s a good reminder to be mindful of potential hazards when streaming from home.

    April 23, 2023
  • spacex

    The incident with Stormfall33’s cat is a great reminder that even the most dedicated gamers can be interrupted by unexpected events. It’s important to have a sense of humor about these things and not take them too seriously. After all, pets are a part of our lives, and they can make even the most mundane activities entertaining!

    April 23, 2023
  • doctor chaos

    It’s fascinating to see how everyday occurrences like a malfunctioning air conditioning system or a curious pet can impact a streamer’s gameplay.

    April 23, 2023

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