An enthusiast created a Discord bot that makes videos from CS:GO player highlights

A user named Run1e introduced a bot in Discord that is capable of reproducing highlights from matches in CS:GO. The fan of the Valve shooter shared about it in a post on Reddit, which has gathered over 830 upvotes.

To use the program, you need to go to the STRIKER Community channel on Discord and add the bot to your own channel. After that, using the /record command, you need to send the game login and select the player and corresponding round. After a while, STRIKER will send a video recording to the chat.

Earlier, a CS:GO fan created a program that predicts the outcome of rounds in competitive matches in real-time. According to the developer, CSGOPredictor uses a logistic regression model, which is often used for classification and predictive analytics.

I built a Discord bot that can record your matchmaking highlights
by u/Run1e in GlobalOffensive

Comments (4)

  • 433 gaming

    Wow, it’s great to see the CS:GO community coming up with innovative solutions like this. I’ll definitely be checking out the STRIKER bot in Discord.

    April 23, 2023
  • on the egde -killer7-

    This bot sounds amazing! I can’t wait to try it out and create some highlights of my own

    April 23, 2023
  • snak3

    This is just another example of how technology is making eSports more accessible and fun for fans.

    April 23, 2023
  • ykcyc

    It seems like a simple and effective way to capture the best moments from matches.

    April 23, 2023

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